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Stafford Park 6, Units E1-E3
Stafford Park 6, Units E1-E3
Stafford Park 6, Units E1-E3
Stafford Park 6, Units E1-E3
Stafford Park 6, Units E1-E3
Stafford Park 6, Units E1-E3
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Units E1-E3, Stafford Park 6, Telford, TF3 3AT

Industrial : To Let

40,998 sqft to 100,156 sqft (3,809 - 9,305 sq m)

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Richard Bradbury

Richard Bradbury

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Key Features
  • Detached modern industrial/warehouse premises
  • Internal eaves approx. 9m (29 ‘ 6”)
  • Large fenced yard and additional parking
  • Well located on the Stafford Park Estate

The property is located on Stafford Park, one of Telford’s major industrial estates adjacent to the A464 with Junction 4 and 5 of the M54 within 1 mile.


Telford Town Centre and its associated facilities including covered shopping centre, leisure facilities, railway station etc., is approximately 1 mile to the west and the University of Wolverhampton Campus is located nearby to the north.  The M54 provides easy access to the County Town of Shrewsbury, approximately 20 miles to the west and Wolverhampton and Birmingham approximately 16 and 35 miles to the east respectively. 


Birmingham International Airport and International Railway Station are both within travel times of approximately 45 minutes.


Property Description

The property provides a modern detached industrial/warehouse building on a large self-contained site.


Originally designed as three separate units, It has recently been occupied as a single unit.


The industrial area provides high bay accommodation with an internal eaves in the order of 9m (29’ 6”).


There are a variety of level access and dock loading doors, with 8 doors in total.


The unit is fronted with ground and first floor office accommodation, which incorporates a variety of ancillary areas on the ground floor.


There is an extensive yard area to the rear of the buildings, being fully secure and barrier controlled.


The previous Tenant operated a one way system to the rear yard area. 


Car Parking

There is a separate staff car park at the front of the units.

  • Rent on application - terms to be agreed


Unit E1 - Total 42,144 sqft (3,915 sqm)

Unit E2 - Total 17,014 sqft (1,581 sqm)

Unit E3 - Total 40,998 sqft (3,809 sqm)


Total Gross Internal Floor Area 100,156 sqft (9,305 sqm)

sq ft sq m
Unit E1 - Ground Floor 36,269 3,370
Unit E1 - First Floor Offices 5,875 448
Unit E2 - Ground Floor 17,014 1,581
Unit E3 - Ground Floor 35,897 3,335
Unit E3 - First Floor Offices 5,101 474
Total 100,156 9,208
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